1. Download and install Open Flash Chart 2 API module
  2. Download the latest Open Flash Chart 2 package from http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart-2/downloads.php
  3. Extract the package, put the open-flash-chart.swf file in the module's directory. The directory layout should look like this:
        |-- ofc_api.info
        |-- ofc_api.module
        |-- swfobject.js
        |-- open-flash-chart.swf
        |-- ...
  4. If you want to use an external library e.g. the one that comes with Open Flash Chart 2 package, copy the php-ofc-library directory into the module's directory as well. The resulting directory layout should look like this:

        |-- ofc_api.info
        |-- ofc_api.module
        |-- swfobject.js
        |-- open-flash-chart.swf
        |-- php-ofc-library
            |-- open-flash-chart.php
            |-- ...
        |-- ...
  5. Configure Open Flash Chart 2 API by going to /admin/settings/ofc_api

  6. You can verify the installation by creating a new Page or Story, set input format to PHP code and put the following code in the body:
        print ofc_api_render();

    Click the "Preview" button, if the sample chart shows up then you're good to go :)


Barnettech’s picture

put this in your node to test:

//just the out of the box example
print open_flash_chart_api_render();

//now I'll try my own small variation, you can make your own graph with the code below:

  // create new chart object
  $chart = ofc_api_chart();

  // set chart title
  $title = "Open Flash Chart 2 API\nSample Chart";
  if ( !is_null($callback_params) ) {

    $title .= "\nARG1=" . $callback_params[1];
  $chart->set('title', array(
    'text' => $title,
    'style' => '{font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center;}',

  // create new bar_sketch element and set its attributes
  $bar = ofc_api_element('bar_sketch');
  $bar->set('colour', '#81ac00');
  $bar->set('outline-colour', '#567300');
  $bar->set('offset', 7);
  $bar->set('values', array(5, 1, 4, 3, 2, 26));
  $bar->set('tip', 'Value: #val#');

  // add bar_sketch element to the chart
  $chart->add('element', $bar);


print open_flash_chart_api_render($chart);
andrewsuth’s picture

It seems the API has changed as there is no longer a function called ofc_api_chart

This worked for me:

print open_flash_chart_api_render();