Here's a picture of a regular user's tabs on the site I'm working on:

The client I'm working for wants the "message log" and the "track" tabs removed from the user's profile. I've looked through the code and I can't find where to remove the code for these two tabs. Any help in pointing out the code and the files where this code reside would be much appreciated. Thanks!

The client's site I'm working on:


manoz_79’s picture


miechiel’s picture

These 2 tabs are generated by the tracker module. If you dont want these tabs than just disable the tracker module...
If you need "Recent posts" and "My recent posts" than use the views module to provide these pages

M_i_c_h_a_e_l’s picture

I'll probably figure this out in the next day or two, but I'll ask anyway.

I have a "Bookmarks" tab on my user profile, but I am not using the bookmarks module. As an administrator, how can I remove that tab?


xiaowan’s picture

I think you are using the module "flag". Maybe you the disable the view of "flag" to remove the "bookmarks" tab

Stomper’s picture

The view you are likely looking for view_bookmarks_tab. Disable it. It is provided by the Flag module.

sacha05’s picture

In order to remove the "Message Log" tab in your user profiles, you must disable the module called "Messaging Debug".

Syd Barrett’s picture

From View -> flag_bookmarks_tab ->page setting -> Menu -> No menu entry

diriy’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
 $items['user/%user/track'] = array(
    'title' => 'Track',
    'page callback' => 'tracker_page',
    'page arguments' => array(1, TRUE),
    'access callback' => '_tracker_user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(1),
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'file' => '',

in file /modules/tracker/tracker.module
just comment it and the buttom should dissappear