I just wanna know if it is possible to register new user without having a smtp on my computer. I suppose Dupal is a great portal system but I can't register as an admin so I can' really use it.
If anybody knows the answer I would appreciate your help very much.


marco’s picture

the first user gets his password on the screen after registration, so you don't need an smtp server.



arturs1’s picture

Yes, I know that first user gets a password on screen but I can't login with it. When I type my username and password and press the login button nothing happens, even no messages about wrong password or something like that.

marco’s picture

what do you see? a blank screen? do you get some html (header, footer)?



dsharp’s picture

After you receive your admin password, and you do the login that gives you the frustrating blank stare in return, manually change your URL from http://localhost/index.php to http://localhost/admin.php. That should give you the admin menu. See the middle part of Step 8 under Installation in the Drupal-Guide... it's there... just buried.