Dear all,
the bugfix party is tomorrow,
and everyone can come because there is a 4.7 installed at, with many thanks to toma.

I have an idea to get more bugs fixed by having a little competition. We can announce on this site all day long and afterwards who fixed the most bugs (or for people who are not coders, figured out that a bug was due to a misunderstanding by the user). People can enter as individuals, companies, or any other combination. For example, we can sort people into teams by continents, and we can keep track of whether North America, Europe, South Pacific, Asia, or Rest of World is winning. I don't know if this competitive spirit violates some open source norm, but this is an idea I had to get people to come and work on the bugs, as well as to recognize people for their contributions. what do you think? see you tomorrow!



Dries’s picture

I'll try to be around during the bugfix party. Otherwise, I'd be happy to review all patches later on! Rock on, and see you tomorrow.

kae’s picture

thank you!