I'm using slideshow in a custom content type and it is perfectly simple for my purpose.

What I'm now trying to do is style the cck fields in a new content template using Contemplate Module. I can style the cck output like I want but Slideshow seems to be difficult to get included in the new content template.

I've attempted to insert various slideshow arrays that contemplate outputs for use in the template. However, I can't seem to get it to display.

One idea I had was to let slideshow operate in default by taking it out of <body> and adding a new div above body so it would essentially still seem to be in but remain outside the body area but my brain stops working here. I think I may need to alter Contemplate module to include a new zone for affecting output other than teaser, body, footer.


crutch’s picture

Slideshow needs to be available for Views and/or Panels.