I'm using ConTemplate for a node with three different collapsible field sets. I've got the template generating html that matches the previous non-ConTemplate version, but the collapsible field sets are not operating.

I thought that the ConTemplate version was simply missing some javascript "$(document).ready()" logic to attach a collapsing callback to the link that handles the collapsing, but another page that I have with CCK collapsing field sets does not appear to have any such javascript "$(document).ready()" logic...

Any idea what is necessary to get the collapsing field sets to operate?


bsenftner’s picture

Got it working. (but one issue at the bottom of this post.) Solution for others, inside the Body Variables of a ConTemplate template there are group fields like "$node->content['group_location']['#children']" that can be used. If such groups are specified as collapsible when the CCK field is configured, that Body Variable will also be collapsible.

Additionally, if one wants a different layout (with collapse ability), the key seems to be setting up the field set like this:

<fieldset class="fieldgroup group-YourGroupName collapsible">
     <a href="#">Your Group Title</a>
     ... your layout here ...

not like this (which is how it may appear in firebug's inspect):

<fieldset class="fieldgroup group-YourGroupName collapsible">
   <legend class="collapse-processed">
     <a href="#">Your Group Title</a>
     ... your layout here ...

These operate the same (both the Body Variable form and the hand coded form) but suffer from fairly serious browser flashing. I'm on a fairly nice Mac Powerbook, and the flashing is the entire browser window during a collapse. The flashing is much less on an expand, but still visible. A non-ConTemplate collapsible CCK field group does not flash like this...

Any idea where to look or how to fix?

jrglasgow’s picture

this is the way I do it when I want a collapsible fieldset:

  $element = array(
    '#title' => 'this is my fieldset legend',
    '#description' => 'this is anything I want in the fieldset as a description',
    '#value' => 'this is my content inside the fieldset',
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => 'my_fieldset_class',
      'id' => 'my_fieldset_id',
    '#collapsible' => TRUE, // do you want it to be collapsible
    '#collapsed' => TRUE; // do you want it to start out collapsed
  print theme('fieldset', $element);

this will print out the fieldset you want, for more information: http://api.drupal.org/api/function/theme_fieldset/6

bsenftner’s picture

Thank you James. I had not seen that before, very helpful!!!
