media_archive 7.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Updates media_archive to work properly with media 7.x-2.19 (currently recommended media release).

media_archive 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--2-1:

  • #962080 by winston: Fixed so embed code works as well as URL

media_archive 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--2-0:

  • by winston: minor bug fix (turned cacheing back to true)

media_archive 6.x-2.x-dev

New features

The 6.x-2.x-dev supports the emfield 6.x-2.x release and includes both the audio AND video provider.

media_archive 6.x-1.0

New features

This release without the video provider supports emfield 6.x-1.x releases (which include the archive video provider already). You'll only need it for using as an audio provider.

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