What's a good strategy for a Drupal-site editor/admin to place a story in the database and make it visible to and thus available for comment and editing suggestions by a single person or two and nobody else?

I know it is possible to use a by-role feature for some of these needs, but perhaps other approaches will suggest options?

I had thought to use the Private Messaging feature as the feedback channel.




styro’s picture

the users you want to be able to do this already have the 'admin nodes' permission, you can just keep the nodes in question 'unpublished' until they are finished.

But if what you want is more complex than that in terms of users and permissions, you will probably need a per node access control module installed. If you have different editing groups, maybe organic groups might be a useful module.

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CLamont’s picture

At least one scenario would be where someone like myself writes an article or interview, and seeks the advice of a particular person or two on the piece.

Suppose I write an article: Running the hundred meter with live bees in your pants. I put the article in the database.

I want it only to be seen and commented upon, prior to full publication, by:

a) Freddie B. Swax, author of 'Raising Happy Bees in Humid Places';
b) Dr. Gladstone Hives, a specialist in anaphylactic shock;
c) members of the committee for contested world records.

Ideally, a), b) and c) would need not be registered members, since they are acting as story consultants and I would not wish to ask them to jump through hoops to obtain temporary access to the site content and features essential to their participation in a limited project.

As admin I could assign them a user name and password, then "block" it when their participation is at an end, I suppose, but would wonder about database clutter. Still leaves the issue of this article visible but what about others...? Must be a better way.
