I am just trying the module out and it seems to work nicely. I am planning on updating the translation for a site on a development server and then using the export / import function of the i18n Internationalization module to move the .po file to a live site.

I have two problems in testing this strategy out.
1. The Translation Table doesn't seem to display all menu items (I have refreshed, but the list is not complete.) http://drupal.org/node/548800
2. When I export I see the entry in the .po file extracted... but when I import into the other site the value does not appear.

Thanks, Bob


Gábor Hojtsy’s picture

@bsnodgrass: are you importing the .po file to the menus textgroup?

bsnodgrass’s picture

Yes that's what I am trying to do, and I have had luck with this when I have entered a value into the translation table, however I haven't seen any values from the localization client show up in the translation tables...

Also I checked again, and I was mistaken, I did not see the menu item or the value entered from the Localization client show up in the translation tables or in the exported file.

So the main question at this point is, should changes from the localization client show up in the translation tables?

Gábor Hojtsy’s picture

Project: Localization client » Translation table
Version: 6.x-1.7 » 6.x-1.x-dev

The translation table module uses the i18n string translation code, so it is supposed to work. I never tried. It is more likely that the translation table maintainers worked with both modules.

geodaniel’s picture

Bob, is #422640: Menu export, translate, import workflow does not work when duplicates are present maybe related? Export and re-import of translated menu items doesn't work as expected due to #384794: Preceding white space inserted in locales_source.

Pasqualle’s picture

Answer to the original question:
Localization client finds everything on the actual page which is translated with t() or tt(), but tt() has some problems: #361147: Support for different text groups
Translation table works with tt() only, and with selected textgroups.