(I used simple content types to explain my problem these are not the ones I need, I can't use a different structure or change the settings of these content types.)

Example : I have a Content Type 'Person' and a Content Type 'Country'.

Content Type 'Person' is language indepent.
Content Type 'Country' is language depent. (Dutch and French)

Content Type 'Person' has a relation with Content Type 'Country'. ( content type Country is a field of Person)

Content type Person also has a field 'Continent'.

In my view I want to origanize the Countries using the continents to group them.

Like so:

Continent A
--country (is link to country node)
--country (is link to country node)
Continent B
--country (is link to country node)
--country (is link to country node)

I succeeded in doing this with 'SQL Aggregation : Group By Fields' and other settings.

My problem:

When I click on the link from a country this isn't in the correct language. I tried defining a filter Node translation: current user language but then the view doesn't show anything. I'm afraid this has to do with that one is language depent and the other indepent?

Any help is welcome.