I've customized the positioning of the rotor banner components, and when I load the page in IE6 or IE7, the images are all showing up in a column down the page for a second before they disappear and show the first one properly.

What information should I provide to aid in troubleshooting this?


widiotter’s picture

I have the same problem. In my case the pictures don't even disappear. They are ALL displayed in IE/Safari and Google Chrome. Firefox works fine. What's the problem?

hydrogen3’s picture

I'm also having a similar issue. It loads all the pictures for about 2 seconds when I pull the page up.

eoneillPPH’s picture

Put this in your theme's style.css (or wherever your custom styles reside):

.rotor-content {
    display: none;

This will hide the rotor entirely upon page load. Then, rotor's scripting will make them appear as/when they should. May not be a perfect solution if you don't like the effect of the rotor 'appearing' from emptiness, but it works for our situation.

Alex72RM’s picture

This approach causes a blank output in Safari.

See http://drupal.org/node/697846

modctek’s picture


Alex72RM’s picture

Component: Miscellaneous » Code
Status: Active » Patch (to be ported)

I solved for Safari/Chrome.

Well, both use webkit to render html/css. In deep, the problem is with inline styles (height and position:absolute).

The approach is based on a .css hack with subsequent type of coding (some modifications are applicable, based on type/size of banners):

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {

	.rotor-items {
		position: static !important;
		height: 280px !important;
		margin: 33px 0 0 22px !important;


I think that something similar should be written in rotor readme.

eyedol_52’s picture

I fix this problem by deactivating the block caching.
Check out at: admin/settings/performance

john.kenney’s picture

i'm not sure this will solve the problem for everyone, but it so far it seems to be working for me.

my setup involves a fixed rotation of panels containing a large image with text cover line overlay.

i've extended #3 to dampen the blank screen effect of 'display:none' by setting the background of the rotor block as my first image. now the correct image comes up immediately when the page loads, then the rotor version overwrites the image when the rotor starts.

it would be even better if i created an image with my cover line on it, then the background image and the first panel would be identical and seamless.

new CSS added to #3 is:

#rotor-view-id-rotor-view-display-id-block_1 {
  background: url(img/filename.jpg) gray ;

EDIT: Actually this doesn't quite work in the sense that this image is always in the background of the panel and shows slightly during transitions. Depending on how you do the transitions and/or how strong the image is, this may or may not be a problem for you. I ended up just using a neutral color instead of an image - a color that is consistent with those used in the panels.

sspisak’s picture

Hi...I fixed this REALLY easily and feel dumb that it didn't dawn on me earlier:

Edit each of the individual rotor items you are showing and uncheck "Promote to Front Page".

So if you have a rotor view on your front page showcasing 3 different rotor items as a slideshow, click on the little settings wheel on the item that is showing incorrectly and uncheck the box "Promote to Front Page."

Resolved my problems.

corwin_bermudez’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » corwin_bermudez

I've tried all of these solutions and so far none of them work for me. On my home page all three rotor items show in a column in IE6 and IE7, Firefox, and Safari. Does anyone know why else this might be happening?