semanticviews 3.0.0

3289555: Drupal 10 compatibility, drop Drupal 8 compatibility

semanticviews 7.x-1.1

Issue #985432 by Zach Harkey, leovw: Patch to Add 'Div' option for List type
Issue #2869490 by volkswagenchick: README for d7 branch needs updates

semanticviews 8.x-2.1

Issue #2690421 by ron_s: Fields preprocessing breaks views, returns incorrect results

semanticviews 7.x-1.0

Bug fixes
  • Issue #2690421 by ron_s: Fields preprocessing breaks views, returns incorrect results
  • Issue #1438724 by Martijn de Wit, immoreel, brianmercer: Semantic views does not respect the "Place a colon after the label" option of views 6.x-3.0 & 7.X

semanticviews 7.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes

Here should be a bug free stable release of Semantic Views.

Fixes since 7.x-1.0-alpha1

semanticviews 7.x-1.x-dev

Drupal 7.x development start.

This release is still in active development. The demo views function after some minor modifications (such as switching from the Drupal 6 teaser field to the Drupal 7 body field with summary formatter). The "Grids (semantic)" display would work if the CSS for the grid layout were added to the page in some other way.

semanticviews 6.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Semantic Views 6.x-1.1 (Freya) release is dedicated to all daughters who triumph!

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-0:

semanticviews 6.x-1.0

First official release of Semantic Views.

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-0-BETA1:

semanticviews 6.x-1.0-beta1

First beta release.

For users of the development version, the most important change is the removal of the ID attribute option from the output style and the related template file. Please update your stylesheets or override views-view.tpl.php for your views if you used this feature.

semanticviews 6.x-1.x-dev

Developer/themer preview of Semantic Views unformatted style and row style.

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