
Setup is as follows: "Display field" set up in "content type" for image is set to SWF Tools. I've selected an imagecache content type for the CCK formatter in order to show a single image through an imagecache preset, but it doesn't seem to be displaying any image.

However, when I select the content type as original in the CCk formatter, it displays the original image.

Also, the link to the imagecache image displayed through CCK is strange. It's just "yoursite.com/sites/default/files/imagecache//xxx.jpg" It seems like it's not going to the correct imagecache preset folder because of that double backslash. Perhaps there's a missing line of code or something? Let me know if additional info is needed. Thanks!

Drupal 6.13
CCK 6.x-1.4
Filefield 6.x-3.1
Imagefield 6.x-3.1
ImageCache 6.x-2.0-beta10


pharoz’s picture

Also, if I change the widget type to "image" and upload the images, it works without any issue. Only thing is that fupload is more convenient when mass uploading photos...