Right now, I am currently building a new webiste, and I want the community part of the website to be built inside my new design. I have noticed that sites like Kerneltrap.org have customized the entire Drupal design to give it their own look.

Basically, I don't want to build my site around Drupal, but build Drupal around my site. So my question is, what modules, includes, or scripts do I need to "pull out of" Drupal to add as indivdual modules into my site. For exampe, pulling out the navigation links at the top and putting them somewhere else, or pulling out the login page and changing its location.

Thanks in advance!


moshe weitzman’s picture

most look and feel customizations are done via a custom theme. specifically, the links in the navigation are outputted by the theme by calling the link() function. you can put them anywhere you like, and style them as you please.

the login *block* is managed by in Admin -> Blocks. It can appear on the left or right side of your theme (or not at all). I'm not saure what you mean by moving the login page. You might be able to call user_login() from a custom php page and have that box appear. Just be careful that the posts to the right page or else the form won't work.