*Damn*... After upgrading the nodewords module my 'nodewords' table is now *empty*. Checked the modules page and figured out that the nodewords module was disabled while running the update.php. Is the upgrade progress NOT aware of the reason that D6 runs all update hooks - nevertheless a module is disabled?


hass’s picture

Title: Nodewords table cleared? » Nodewords table cleared
hass’s picture

hass’s picture

Title: Nodewords table cleared » Nodewords table whiped
hass’s picture

Title: Nodewords table whiped » Nodewords table wiped
apaderno’s picture

Is the upgrade progress NOT aware of the reason that D6 runs all update hooks - nevertheless a module is disabled?

It seems Drupal runs update functions also for disabled modules. It's not what I would expect, and I don't know if the update functions could check if the update is running with the module disabled.

hass’s picture

See #194310: Check / run updates of disabled modules for the reasons why this has been implemented. If you need functions not inside the .install file you need to load the files or use drupal_load() to load disabled modules in every update hook that needs the functions. Also keep in mind that update.php doesn't load the module as in D5 times... only .install files will be loaded.

cakka’s picture

ehmm.... i get this problem too... on my blog http://www.blog.ckcybers.com :(
it's still under development...

but i hope the new version that will not remove table will clear as soon as..

giovanninews’s picture

Solo una domanda a KiamLaLuno: "Scusa Kiam, volevo solo sapere se un utente come me, che è tornato ad utilizzare Nodewords 6.x-1.0 dopo i problemi avuti con l' aggiornamento descritti nell' articolo http://giovanninews.com/problema-nodewords-drupal , devo aspettare la v. 6.x-1.3". Ti scrivo in italiano perchè con l' inglese non so spiegarmi bene. Ciao e grazie se riesci a rispondermi. Giovanni

apaderno’s picture

Ti consiglio di aspettare che esca la versione 6.x-1.3. La versione 6.x-1.x-dev è pensata (al momento) per chi vuole aiutare nello sviluppo del modulo e verificare che il passaggio da 6.x-1.0 alla prossima versione ufficiale avviene senza problemi; più persone aiuteranno nella verifica, più presto la prossima versione ufficiale verrà rilasciata.

English translation (for who doesn't know Italian):
If you are still using version 6.x-1.0 (or you returned to use it because of the problems you got using the latest official releases), it is better you wait the next version 6.x-1.3. The development snapshot is thought (at the moment) for who wants to help with the module development, and check if the update from 6.x-1.0 to the next official release is without problems; the more people will help with the test, the earlier the next official version will be released.

hass’s picture

Upgraded from 1.0 to latest DEV wiped the complete table today. Upgrade from 1.2 worked well.

Only as note - I have "only" 19 rows in my nodewords table.

hass’s picture

Title: Nodewords table wiped » update_6113: No rows written to nodewords_tmp and therefore all data lost

Correcting title

giovanninews’s picture

For KiamLaLuno: They are at the moment to Milan, therefore far away from my zones. As soon as I re-enter in Abruzzi I will try the 6.x-1.x-dev and I will make you to know if the passage from the 6.x-1.0 will be painless. Hello and thanks. Giovanni

hass’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.2 » 6.x-1.3-alpha1

Still broken.

apaderno’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.3-alpha1 » 6.x-1.x-dev

Rather than keeping to change referring version, it would be better to make reference to the development version; so far, the development version, and the latest official release share the same code.

hass’s picture

Changing the version to dev makes no sense. Setting a version tells you what version is broken for repro! Dev doesn't tell anyone in what version this bug may be fixed.

apaderno’s picture

if the code doesn't work in version 6.x-1.3-beta1, then it doesn't work in the development snapshot as well.
To use the development version as referring version is better than keeping to change the referring version to the latest official release.
Changing the referring version to the latest official release could still confuse people; then, the development version is the version I set when the bug is fixed.

apaderno’s picture

I changed the code of some update functions to use update_sql() (it is always a good idea to use that function in the update functions); this could help in understanding the reason why the update from 6.x-1.0 is failing.

apaderno’s picture

I checked the latest development snapshot (which is the same of the official release 6.x-1.3-alpha2), and tested the update from version 6.x-1.0. I have verified that the update doesn't cause anymore any data lose.

hass’s picture

I will try myself asap, too.

hass’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed

Now it seems fixed.

hass’s picture

Status: Fixed » Needs work

Please re-think the output of the UPDATE/INSERTs. If a site have many thousands of metatags defined the update result page may not load or becomes many many megabytes.

apaderno’s picture

Status: Needs work » Fixed

I changed the code for nodewords_update_6113(), which now doesn't log the executed queries.

That is the only update function that could execute a lot of SQL queries.

lost305’s picture

If there's a fix on this page can someone point it out to me, please.

hass’s picture

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

MakeOnlineShop’s picture


Is it possible to use this module to automatically add a description to all former nodes that didn't have any ?

How to do ? I'm checking my old nodes now and they don't have any description.

Thank you.

drupalinthailand’s picture

Please help.

DamienMcKenna’s picture

@drupalinthailand/make-online-shop: Please don't reply on four-year-old closed issues.

I've replied on the other issue (#1911704: Old nodes that didn't have DESCRIPTION or lost it after update bug, how to add a description (again)).