These modules may help in detection and prevention of security issues on a Drupal site. Unfortunately, some of them require an skilled operator or developer to use the module well (coder module, for example, includes security vulnerability checks, but is only usable by a developer).

Detection modules

Detection is the status where a security issue or event has been detected, not meaning a vulnerability is exposed in your Drupal site, or an attack succeed againts the Drupal site. This modules may help you to identify these issues:

  • MD5 Check: This module generates a md5 checksum of all files from a module. If a file is changed a security warning is generated.
  • File integrity check: Using a file containing all md5 hashes of an official Drupal major/minor release, this module can detect missing, changed and unknown files in your Drupal installation.
  • Securitydoq:Helps to check and ensure the security of Drupal installation. Currently it will check the existence of the .htaccess file and the permissions of the "files" folders. (Module is seeking module developer to support it)
  • Security scanner component for SimpleTest module: This project is based on Drupal's simpletest capabilities. Automated tests perform vulnerability analysis testing for Sql Injection and Cross Site Scripting.
  • PHPIDS: PHPIDS module adds a security layer based on and is interesting if you want to know how and when (anonymous) users try to break your site by logging their attacks.

Prevention modules

The following modules provide information about the security status of a site, including whether its modules and core are up-to-date, etc.

  • Update status: (in core in Drupal 6+) checks regularly for updates (including security updates) in your Drupal installation.
  • Coder: Coder is a developer-oriented module that assists with code review and version upgrade. The module supports a plug-in extensible hook system so contributed modules can define additional review standards and upgrade routines, including security evaluation.
  • Security Report: This module would analyze a drupal installation to create a Security Information Report (SIR) based on the analysis. This result is not intended to be used for reporting security issues.