The ordinary Taxonomy: All Terms field prints a complete list of the node's terms, limited by the vocabulary of my choice. That's just what I need, but I only want to print it if the node is of the right type.

With other fields, I've had great success doing this:

<?php if($data->node_type == my_custom_content_type): {
  print $data->node_title;
} endif ?>

Trouble is, the All Terms field isn't in the $data variable. Is there some kind of relationship I can create to put it there?

Or maybe term_data_name could be used instead, but I don't understand why that only prints one of the node's many terms.


jorge’s picture

Subscribe. I am having loads of trouble access the TIDs for a node from this field. Any help would be great.

jennycita’s picture


fletch11’s picture

me three

blauerberg’s picture
