Hi all.

I've been experimenting with drupal this week and it's looking like a very powerful and impressive system (but with a few bugs and security holes which I hope get ironed out in 4.4)

Anyway, I know you can use URLs like /taxonomy/page/or/1,2,3 or /taxomony/page/and/1,2,3. But is there any way to show content with only term 1, or terms 1 and 3 but not 2, for example? It's just that the site I have in mind will have some people who may be interested in all the content, and others who will be interested in specific types of content and want nothing to do with the rest of it.

On a related subject, if I have drupal installed in the root directory (ie, public_html), is there something I can put in the .htaccess file so they can use a url like http://www.mysite.com/abc or /xyz which would redirect them to the combination of content that they prefer? I'm not all that familiar with how rewrite rules work.


moshe weitzman’s picture

there is no way to exclude posts with certain terms as you describe. consider filing a feature request.

JonBob’s picture

Drupal's URL aliasing feature is a very elegant way to accomplish your last request. Enable path.module (in Drupal 4.3 or higher), and you can set a human-readable URL for any Drupal URL. No mucking about with .htaccess required, and better yet, all internal links will use the new, pretty URL!

reynard’s picture

Fantastic, I completely overlooked the path module. That explains how it's done on some of the other sites I've looked at. Thanks!

The first question probably isn't all that pressing really. I guess if they're interested in one term, it won't matter if it just happens to be associated with another as well. It's all a matter of coming up with an appropriate taxonomy.

matt westgate’s picture

Maybe renaming path.module to path_alias.module would help express what is actually does?