Designed to be the successor of the core profile module, which is deprecated for Drupal 7. In contrast to the deprecated module this module provides a new, fieldable 'profile' entity - leverage the power of fields!


Comparison to user account fields

As described in the documentation Drupal 7 allows adding fields to user account pages - what serves as simple way for building user profiles. The main differences between that and profile2 are:

  • With profile2 user account settings and user profiles are conceptually different things, e.g. with the "Profile pages" module enabled users get two separate menu links "My account" and "My profile".
  • Profile2 allows for creating multiple profile types, which may be assigned to roles via permissions (e.g. a general profile + a customer profile)
  • Profile2 supports private profile fields, which are only shown to the user owning the profile and to administrators.

Relationship to content profile

With the new concept of entities in Drupal 7, this module supersedes content profile as general solution. However for any situations where profiles as nodes might be preferable, content profile for Drupal 7 will build upon profile2.


  • The module is aimed to provide a simple, but extensible solution providing a similar end user interface like the core profile module by default.
  • Multiple profile types may be created via the UI (e.g. a general profile + a customer profile), whereas the module provides separated permissions for those.
  • Optionally, profile forms are shown during user account registration.
  • Similar to the deprecated core profile module, fields may be configured to be private - thus visible only to the profile owner and administrators.
  • By default the UI behaves similar to the deprecated core profile module, thus showing each profile type in each own tab below user/<ID>/edit. Via the included "Profile pages" module profiles can be viewed and edited at their own page and get their own menu link, e.g. "My profile".
  • Thanks to the foundational entity API the module integrates well with Rules as well as Features - thus profile types and the associated fields can be exported into feature modules. Once the Entity tokens module (part of the Entity API) is turned on, there are also token replacements available.
  • You may use Views and/or the Search API to provide listings or searches for profiles.

Revsion 2, January 2021

  • Addition of revsioning for profiles, in the same style as node revisions.
  • Addition of diff sub-module, for revision diffs (requires Diff module).
  • Revision UI plays nicely with version 2 of User Revisions - if you are already using that module, please update to 7.x-2.0.

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