Hey Mchelle,

Just checked out your Coulee alpha 2 site and it's looking good. One feature request if it isn't already in consideration would be to have any topic with unread posts display as a bold link in the forum listing. Not sure if this would be too difficult, but a lot of other forums have it and I think it's nice.

Also, I recall you posted an amazing port of a theme you put together and said it was 80% done, but that the last 20 was hardest to go. Any chance of that getting included with 2.0? It looked fantastic.



Michelle’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.1 » 6.x-2.x-dev

I'll take a look and see if the information is available to add an extra class to unread topics. If it's fairly easy to do, I don't have a problem adding it. It's not something I need personally as I think it looks nicer with all the titles bolded.

That MyBB port was just a proof of concept sort of thing. I wouldn't feel right including the default theme of another forum application in AF. That's rather like Joomla including Garland as a core theme.


uomeds’s picture

Thanks. Is there any way to get (all) forum titles bold in Advanced Forum 1? Currently, all mine show up as non-bolded, and I think they'd look better bold.

The Boxy style advanced_forum.css has only:

/*** FORUM LINK LISTS ********************************************************/

.forum-links li {
  list-style-image: none;
  list-style-type: none;
  background: none;

.forum-links li a {
  font-weight: bold;

Not sure what I need to change.

Thanks again.

Michelle’s picture

If you look at advf-forum-topic-list.tpl.php, the code is:

      <td class="title">
      <?php print $topic->title . $topic_new; ?>
      <?php if (!empty($topic->pager)): ?>
         <div class="forum-topic-pager"> <?php print $topic->pager ?> </div>
      <?php endif; ?>

So it doesn't look like there's any way to target just the title. If you add a span around it, you'll be able to target it in CSS. Something like:

<span class="forum-topic-title"><?php print $topic->title</span> <?php print $topic_new; ?>

Now that I'm looking at it, you could fudge your original request by doing:

<?php $title_class = ($topic_new) ? "forum-topic-title-new" : "forum-topic-title"; ?>
<span class="<?php print $title_class; ?>"><?php print $topic->title</span> <?php print $topic_new; ?>

That's totally untested but should work if there's no typos. :)


uomeds’s picture

The close php tags were missing after the , but with those added it worked. I decided to keep it simple for now and just went:

      <td class="title">
      <b><?php print $topic->title; ?></b> <?php print $topic_new; ?>
      <?php if (!empty($topic->pager)): ?>
         <div class="forum-topic-pager"> <?php print $topic->pager ?> </div>
      <?php endif; ?>

Maybe less pure than working with span/css, but I figure no point customizing too much since it'll all get redone on the move to v2.

Thanks again. Great stuff.

Michelle’s picture

The topic lists in V2 are views, so it's a whole different ballgame there. That's why I said I have to see if the information is available to me. There are many benefits in the move to views but one of the cons is it's more difficult to make some changes.


Michelle’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed

Postponing until after 2.0.

mashizhao’s picture

Is there any way to do this in Views for 2.x? Thanks!

mashizhao’s picture

Status: Postponed » Active

changed to active

Michelle’s picture

No idea until I dig into it and setting it active isn't going to change the fact that I have other things that need doing before I get to postponed items.


Michelle’s picture

Version: 6.x-2.x-dev » 7.x-2.x-dev
Status: Active » Postponed

This one slipped through the cracks. Moving to D7 and postponing until there is a 3.x branch open for new features.