The following code sample shows you how to integrate Privatemsg with the Application Toolbar.

 * Implements hook_privatemsg_message_insert().
 * Adds a notification for each recipient when a message is sent.
function yourmodule_privatemsg_message_insert($message) {
  $text = t('!user sent you a private message', array('!user' => theme('username', $message['author'])));
  $alert_type = 'privatemsg-receipt';
  foreach ($message['recipients'] as $recipient) {
    appbar_set_message($text, $alert_type, $recipient->uid);

 * Implementation of hook_appbar_id().
function yourmodule_appbar_id() {
  return array(
    'privatemsg-receipt' => t('Privatemsg receipt (alerts recipient)'),

More information:
Privatemsg API documentation:
Application Toolbar API documentation:
Application Toolbar Integration examples:


ilw’s picture

Is it fair to ask someone to prepare ready-made module for the purpose?

I spent a few hours till now cause of my PHP knowledge and i think that it wont take more then few min for someone else :-(

Thank you in advanced...