It seems that the newest 1.0-beta3 has bug when selecting entering the views > theme information.
It does not detect the theme override templates. however when i switch to another theme (Garland as Administration theme), it works correctly.


kirikintha’s picture

Hello everyone, thanks for making such a great admin module, love the direction you took on the 1.0 branch!

I can confirm this problem, with 1.0-beta3 not playing nice with views templates. This seems to be happening when using a subtheme, in my case with Fusion as the base theme.

I did post another comment here, just for transparency sake.

Here's the environment:

Drupal 6.15
Views 6.x-2.8
Admin 6.x-1.0-beta3
Skinr 6.x-1.1
Fusion 6.x-1.0-beta3

When using the admin module theme (system default), with views, I am unable to update the theme registry with any new views-view--yourview--.tpl files.

What happens is:

I make a new views tpl file (under theme:information), when I rescan template files in views (with my theme selected), I can see the new file (The nice bold text on the .tpl file) -no problems there. Looks like everything is registering there.

However, when I save the view, and look at the theme: information again it only shows the defaults. Also, views tries to render the over-ridden field, or view, but cannot seem to find the template file and does not display any result.

When I switch to Garland as the Admin Theme (admin/themes/admin), I have to rescan the views templates again, and then it seem like the theme's registry updates properly, and I can use the views tpl as intended.

So, at this point, in order to use views tpl files, I am having to revert to garland or fusion as my administration theme. I have not noticed any problems when using your module in general admin, just in views, as this is the first theme problem I have run into.

I still plan on using the Admin Module for my production environment for end users, but if you can provide any guidance as to where the problem lies, I would be happy to work on a patch, I love this module so!

If this is solved in 2.0, awesome just LMK!


-k’s picture

I'm having the same issue