multiple-term vocab display error
a node shows all terms assigned but they are not

i have a multiple-term vocabulary - in testdriving drupal (don't know which version or how to easily find out as the non-techie admin) - i assigned a few terms to the entry and submitted - i noticed that more terms were stored than i assigned - as the admin i edited the selected terms down to 1 term - the system still displays many (if not a truncated version of all) terms that were never selected - this looks like a bug from a usability point of view if not all others - how do i find out about it or get it resolved?


wolfmagic’s picture

twould be nice if an author could archive or delete his own entry if found moments later to be user error, etc. - in this case, what is being displayed is not multiple terms in one category, but one selection per vocabulary which appears to be how drupal should work