The type looks terrible in Internet Exployer (vers 6, 7, and 8) and I don't know what to do to fix this. I am a newbie at this and need some guidance from someone here I did go to and did the following but it didn't work (see below. What can I do to get this type to show up properly? Please help- I don't know what to do here?

1. I have already gotten the conditional_stylesheet module and put it in and turned it on.
2. I have already put this code in the .info file that resides in that theme folder ( code below--but does it work for IE 6, 7, &8?):
; Set the conditional stylesheets that are processed by IE.
conditional-stylesheets[if lt IE 7][all][] = ie6-and-below.css
conditional-stylesheets[if IE 7][all][] = ie7.css

I Don't know what else I need to do. Can anyone please advise me? And if I need to write 2 more css files as it says above What do I put in them? and where do I put them after they are done??
I am at a total loss here.
Nothing is working to make the type presentable In the IE6, IE7, or IE8 browsers.
Anybody have any suggestions for me?
Thank you so much whoever is out there who knows! Please let me know what to do.


jbrauer’s picture

Priority: Critical » Normal
Status: Active » Postponed (maintainer needs more info)

There are already specific ie6 and ie7 css files. You could add any additional files in head.php along with these. Are you sure you have Fusion and Skinr installed and have Skinr enabled? If you do have you tried different options for font sizes and families in the Theme Settings page?

jbrauer’s picture

Status: Postponed (maintainer needs more info) » Closed (fixed)

no additional information.