
I'm having trouble - I want both English and Khmer (the localized language) posts to be shown in my page's forum regardless of what language they are viewing the forum in. I can do this by selecting the i18n setting: "Only current and default languages and no language" but then on my main page (where I post news in both languages) all the news shows up regardless of language. The rest of my site is no problem, because it is all in different categories - but the problem with the main page is that the posts in both languages have been published on the front page so there is no way that I can figure out to not show only language of news (not both the original and translated) as well as show both languages in the forums (if they post in English or not, I want it to show on both versions of the forum).

Sorry if I am making this sound confusing. You can check out my site and see for yourself http://www.sbbic.org

Does anyone know how to fix this problem (am I using the i18n module incorrectly?)
