We are strongly considering drupal to power a section of our site that would function like a community weblog (it would be called the opinion/editorial section). Ideally users would be able to submit stories that would have to be approved by admin before going live. We would also like to be able to approve comments prior to going live or at least not allow comments. But this is not absolutely required.

Also, since we already have message board/forum software that we are comfortable with, is it possible to disable or not install the forum function?

Thanks for any information.


Boris Mann’s picture

Basically, allow registered members to post to a blog. By default, it would be unpublished and/or go into a moderation queue. Users with the proper permission could then review and decide whether or not to publish.

Comments can be set to require approval before being published. Certain roles/members can be allowed to post comments without approval. One way would be to have registered members allowed to comment, and anonymous to post comments only with approval.

The forum module is actually disabled by default. You can turn on or off modules in the admin screens.