I am programmatically trying to import pagerouts as part of creating a 'mysite' module. I exported my pageroutes and saved them into files. I know that I will need to handle the list of roles at some point. For now, as I have an empty database, I know what my role numbers will be, so that is not an issue at this time.

The problem I have is that the first one is imported and created and the subsequent ones fail, but create unnamed/empty pageroutes.

warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /websites/{mysitename}/sites/all/modules/pageroute/ on line 493.

This error message is displayed because the variable 'route' on line 487 is not set.

Further debugging shows that the call order on the first import is to pageroute_ui_import_validate, then to
pageroute_ui_import_submit. The subsequent calls do not invoke pageroute_ui_import_validate and go directly to
pageroute_ui_import_submit. I've tried to debug further, but this is getting way involved and I have to meet
a deadline.

I have found a hack-around. If you test 'route' and it is FALSE, if you just invoke validate again, I can get
the imports to work. For now I will use that.

Sample code for how I invoke import:

function mymod_create_pageroutes($pageroute_file) {
	include_once('./'. drupal_get_path('module', 'pageroute') .'/');
	include_once('./'. drupal_get_path('module', 'pageroute') .'/');
	$form_id = 'pageroute_ui_import';
	$modulepath = drupal_get_path ('module', 'mymod');
	$pageroute_definition_file = $modulepath ."/pageroutes/" . $pageroute_file;

	$values = array();
	$values['import'] = file_get_contents($pageroute_definition_file);
	$values['op'] = 'Import';

	$form_state = array();
	$form_state['values'] = $values;


Code for 'hack-around':

add after line 487 - $route = &$form_state['route'];

  // there is a problem that validate is not being called on multiple calls
  // when not validated, route is FALSE -- in that case force a validation
  if ($route == FALSE) {
    pageroute_ui_import_validate($form, &$form_state);
    $route = &$form_state['route'];
    if ($route == FALSE) {
      return FALSE;