twitter_pull 6.x-2.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-2.0-alpha1:

  • #2066961 by joachim: Fixed broken username links in tweets.
  • by joachim: Added comments to help stay sane around twitter username/screenname.
  • #2025109, comment #3: hook_requirements() needs to return at least an empty array if implemented to prevent fatal errors during installs from a profile

twitter_pull 7.x-2.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.0-alpha1:

  • #2051533 by hefox: Added update hook to enable twitter module if it exists.
  • hook_requirements() needs to return at least an empty array if implemented to prevent fatal errors during installs from a profile

twitter_pull 6.x-2.0-alpha1

New features
Bug fixes

This module now requires Twitter and Oauth modules, due to Twitter updating their API. See #1781024: Make the Twitter Pull module work when Twitter turns off the version 1 API for more background.

Changes since 6.x-1.4:

twitter_pull 7.x-2.0-alpha1

New features
Bug fixes

This module now requires Twitter and Oauth modules, due to Twitter updating their API. See #1781024: Make the Twitter Pull module work when Twitter turns off the version 1 API for more background.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-rc5:

twitter_pull 7.x-2.x-dev

New features

Provides support for the Twitter 1.1 API when the Twitter Module is installed.

Requires the download, install and configuration of the Twitter Module to work properly with the new API.\

Adds additional markup and styling to conform to the Twitter Developer Display Requirements.

twitter_pull 7.x-1.0-rc4

New features
Bug fixes

#1693132: Twitter Pull Error by jeffschuler | tgordon57: Fixed Twitter Pull Error.
#1443194: SSL for Twitter Profile Images by jojonaloha | chrisleslie: Fixed SSL for Twitter Profile Images.

twitter_pull 6.x-1.3

Security update
Bug fixes

Added filtering for twitter data - SA-CONTRIB-2012-150 - Twitter Pull - Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
bug #1068230 by dgsiegel: cache pulls outdated items.
fixing timezone warnings in PHP 5.3

twitter_pull 7.x-1.0-rc2

New features
Bug fixes

Issue #873480 by Cottser | newbstah: Added Inherit link colors from active theme.
Issue #1310358 by jdelaune | Shawn DeArmond: Added Better tweet formatting.
Issue #1440886 by leewillis77: Fixed Cant hide the title when creating block using .
Issue #1124732 by grndlvl, MrHaroldA: Added Lazy load tweets [patch].
Set a more reasonable timeout for requests to twitter, allowed for cache fallback on error
1081658 - add a way to modify content
1084074 - add ability to pull favorites
Added box for twitter pull to make integration into context easy

twitter_pull 6.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

- Feature: #1005238 by guusvandewal, arithmetic: Make hashtags in Twitter feed into links.
- Bug #952214 by josefnpat: Ending tweet-divider.
- Bug #1001152 by mcus21: Enable time translation.
- Bug #971872 by BrightBold: Fix: Exponential Twitter ID.
- Feature renaming twitter_pull_block_info to twitter_pull_block_data since hook_block_info() is a reserved name (hook) in D7
- Bug #913958 by grendzy, dalin: Fix PHP Notices: Undefined Proper

twitter_pull 7.x-1.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

- Feature: #1005238 by guusvandewal, arithmetic: Make hashtags in Twitter feed into links.
- Bug #952214 by josefnpat: Ending tweet-divider.
- Bug #1001152 by mcus21: Enable time translation.
- Bug #971872 by BrightBold: Fix: Exponential Twitter ID.
- Feature #1022258 by irakli: Upgrade hook_twitter_pull_blocks to D7.
- Bug #913958 by grendzy, dalin: Fix PHP Notices: Undefined Proper

twitter_pull 7.x-1.0-alpha1

First alpha release of the Twitter Pull module version 1.0 for Drupal 7.

twitter_pull 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Better error reporting, support for Twitter lists and separation of rendering from fetching tweets.

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