Hello. I'd tried to instal the spanish 4.6 version. When I upload es.po file this appear:

Spanish language added
    * Translation import failed: file es.po cannot be read.
    * Translation file es.po broken: Could not be read.
    * Translation import of es.po failed.
        Translated: 0/121 (0%)

¿What can I do?



m.a.piedra.v’s picture

I had some problems of that kind when setting up a Drupal installation in Spanish (es extraño que aparezcan únicamente 121 elementos traducidos, ya que en la versión 4.7 existen más de 2000).

Anyway, you can try changing the permissions of the es.po file to the user running to your web server. On Apache2, for example, the user is called www-data.

So, you can type (once you turn to the folder where es.po is stored):
sudo chown www-data:www-data es.po (remember that you need to be included on /etc/sudoers in order to do this)

Hope it helps. I'm not sure about the same problem on Windows/Mac, for instance.