
I have a custom content type "news" where there are two extra CCK fields apart from title. I have 2 languages active on the site. I created the news in the first language and the created a translation. The title diplays fine in each language, but the CCK field contents got overwritten by the the translation content.

So I have

title: newsitem1_lang1

and want to create
title: newitem1_lang2

language1 now becomes:
title: newitem1_lang1

This happens no matter which of the two nodes I edit each time, the last one overwrites the other.


pf008’s picture

im new to drupal and have no idea how to solve your problem but i just wanted to point out that you have newsitem and newitem , wasn't sure if that was intentional or a typo

mxa055’s picture

Sorry about that, just a typo.

mxa055’s picture

I just noticed that if I display the fields in a view the translation works, but if I fetch the node from the view the translation does not work. The node itself does not have the translated fields.

mxa055’s picture

In the views, Page that does not work correctly i.e. the title field is in the correct language, but description field is the last entered text of the field independent of language has this sql:
SELECT node.nid AS nid,
node_data_field_news_date.field_news_date_value AS node_data_field_news_date_field_news_date_value
FROM node node
LEFT JOIN content_type_news node_data_field_news_date ON node.vid = node_data_field_news_date.vid
WHERE (node.status <> 0) AND (node.type in ('news')) AND (node.language in ('***CURRENT_LANGUAGE***'))
ORDER BY node_data_field_news_date_field_news_date_value DESC

Whereas Block that works correctly ie. Title and Description are displayed in the current language is this:

SELECT node.nid AS nid,
node_data_field_news_date.field_news_date_value AS node_data_field_news_date_field_news_date_value,
node.language AS node_language,
node.type AS node_type,
node.vid AS node_vid,
node.title AS node_title
FROM node node
LEFT JOIN content_type_news node_data_field_news_date ON node.vid = node_data_field_news_date.vid
WHERE (node.status <> 0) AND (node.type in ('news')) AND (node.language in ('***CURRENT_LANGUAGE***'))
ORDER BY node_data_field_news_date_field_news_date_value DESC

mxa055’s picture

I found the problem. i18sync was enabled for the CCK fields by default. I don't know why it was enabled as I didn't know it even existed, but after some reading of the i18l system figured it out. Just disabled that and everything is smooth again.

spacereactor’s picture

where can you found the i18sync?

heliotrope’s picture


The isync feature is related to each content type.
Select the content type you want to set up and then uncheck cck fields in Multilanguague sections > synchronize translation
