what version is this discussion forum module installed on this site?

the standard forum, or at least the one i installed doesn't work the same as this one, with topic coutns, link to new topics, etc.

and what version of drupal does this site run?


ax’s picture

is (the drupal version) whats running drupal.org. featuring, among others, the new forum.module.

Anonymous’s picture

You like this one better? Only local images are allowed.

heather’s picture

there are only small things i'd like to see.... for example
- 'views' count
- code formatting with a special tag, instead of needing to convert all > into > , etc(especially on this forum.. )

ax’s picture

- 'views' count
this feature exists - it is provided by statistics module, which recently got included into the main cvs tree and, as such, is installed on this site. the "views count" is an option of this module which isn't enabled (yet) on drupal.org. possibly because of this bug.

- code formatting with a special tag, instead of needing to convert all > into > , etc(especially on this forum.. )
a big issue and a heavily requested feature for ages. comments and suggestions for this should go to this feature request.

Kjartan’s picture

Actually statistics is enabled, you guys just don't have access. So there!

And now that I have had my moment og glory. Behold. You have statistics. I see no reason to keep things secret coz the stats ain't that bad Only local images are allowed.
