I ran into a problem using this module with the new version of SWFObject 2.2 on the Google Code site. It's not really a problem, but it took me a while to track down so I thought I would post about it in case anyone else has trouble.

The issue is that when calling the Express Install swf SWFObject API looks for expressinstall.swf. However, in the SWFObject package I downloaded off of Google Code, it is called expressInstall.sw by default, with a capital "I". Now, the README does say to place "Place the expressinstall.swf file into modules/swfobject_api/", but I didn't look closely enough to realize I needed to rename the file to actually follow this instruction.

Renaming it fixes things just fine, but the importance of matching the name should be stressed in the README, or the module should account for this with a "path" variable for the "expressinstall.swf" or something.
