The last couple of lines in wraps the output inside a div

      $output = '<div class="views-row-formatter-' . $formatter_name . '">';
      $output .= $item_output;
      $output .= '</div>';

My proposal is to remove that div. If the user wants to put a div around the content, he or she can do that in the appropriate Views template file, such as views-view-unformatted.tpl.php. However, if the user wants to remove it, it gets way harder. Why you wouldn't want a div there? In my case I'm outputing a <li>content</li> and the extra div outside it will break the ul-li behaviour.


ndeschildre’s picture

The reason of this DIV is that only in the context of this View plugin can we insert a class indicating the type of CCK formatter you choosed to render the node. So it can't be done in views-view-unformatted.tpl.php or within another view template.

I agree it could be nice to let users remove it. I should add a theme() with my div by default, and then you can override this theme.

Meanwhile you can just put display:inline to this div, or other CSS rules that should make this work without any problem.

EmilOberg’s picture

You're of course right about the theming. I was more thinking that it'd be a thing for the user to manually set, in lets say, views-view-unformatted--[viewname].tpl.php. But, as long as I get a theme(), I'm going to be one happy camper because I'll cry a bit if I've to do <ul><div><li> ;)

Dret’s picture

A proposal to solve this problem.

I agree with Emil about the problem:

... creating an integration with "Semantic CCK" and inherit theming setting form there??