drush outputs some ANSI color codes which look ugly.

It can be supported by patching drush_terminal.terminal.inc below:

  $output = implode("\n", $output);

  // Ugly hack to process the color codes
  // We need something like Perl's HTML::FromANSI
  // http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?HTML%3A%3AFromANSI
  // but for PHP
  // http://ansilove.sourceforge.net/ only converts to image :(
  // Technique below is from:
  // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1375683/converting-ansi-escape-sequences-to-html-using-php/2233231
  $output = preg_replace("/\x1B\[31;40m(.*?)(\x1B\[0m)/", '<span style="color: red">$1</span>$2', $output);
  $output = preg_replace("/\x1B\[1m(.*?)(\x1B\[0m)/", '<b>$1</b>$2', $output);
  $output = preg_replace("/\x1B\[0m/", '', $output);

  echo $output;

jquery.terminal.js will also have to be patched:

var terminal_append = function(data) {

var formattedData = $('' + data + '');

var dataRows = formattedData.html().split(/\n/);

However this means all output must be HTML-safe.

Needs some more work to make the HTML escaping conditional.

A quicker workaround is to disable drush colors altogether (--nocolor).