imagemagick 8.x-3.7

New features

This release switches the module's internals to use Symfony Process with an array of parameters (natively) instead of escaping arguments and composing a stringed command line. A significant bunch of code is deprecated, so modules that build on the module's internals or that implement image toolkit operation plugins need to adjust before next major release of Imagemagick. The referenced commits have more details.

imagemagick 8.x-3.7-rc2

Release candidate NOT for usage in productive.

This release switches the module's internals to use Symfony Process with an array of parameters (natively) instead of escaping arguments and composing a stringed command line. A significant bunch of code is deprecated, so modules that build on the module's internals or that implement image toolkit operation plugins need to adjust before next major release of Imagemagick.

imagemagick 8.x-3.7-rc1

Release candidate NOT for usage in productive.

This release switches the module's internals to use Symfony Process with an array of parameters (natively) instead of escaping arguments and composing a stringed command line. A significant bunch of code is deprecated, so modules that build on the module's internals or that implement image toolkit operation plugins need to adjust before next major release of Imagemagick.

imagemagick 8.x-3.6

Bug fixes

This release drops support for Drupal < 10.1, and improves code quality to comply with PHPStan level 2 rules; it also fixes some critical bugs identified in release 8.x-3.5.

imagemagick 8.x-3.5

This release drops support for Drupal < 10.0, and improves code quality to comply with PHPStan level 2 rules.

imagemagick 8.x-3.4

This release drops support for Drupal < 9.3 and adds support for Drupal 10.

imagemagick 8.x-3.3

Bug fixes

This release provides bug fixes and drops support for Drupal 8.

The rotate operation for ImageMagick is deprecated, and will be removed in the next major version of the module. A replacement will be provided in the next release of the Image Effects module.

imagemagick 8.x-3.2

Bug fixes
New features

This release provides bug fixes. Support for Drupal 8.8.x and 9.0.x is dropped in this release. New installs support WEBP images by default (provided that the binaries do), and AVIF and HEIC images are listed in the configuration, albeit disabled.

imagemagick 8.x-2.7

Bug fixes

IMPORTANT: ImageMagick versions 8.x-2.x will become unsupported when Drupal 8.9.0 will be released and Drupal 8.7.x will become unsupported. Sites are advised to update to ImageMagick 8.x-3.x.

imagemagick 8.x-3.0-rc1

See #3001678: Plan for a 8.x-3.0 release.

This is the RELEASE CANDIDATE release for ImageMagick 8.x-3.0, do not use in production.

With this release:

imagemagick 8.x-3.0-beta2

Bug fixes

See #3001678: Plan for a 8.x-3.0 release.

This is a BETA level release, do not use in production.

With this release, a new option to coalesce animated GIF images has been added.
Also, a new dependency to the Sophron module is introduced. All usage of Drupal deprecated code up to Drupal 8.8.0 has been replaced.

imagemagick 8.x-3.0-beta1

See #3001678: Plan for a 8.x-3.0 release.

This is a BETA level release, do not use in production.

With this release, a new option to coalesce animated GIF images has been added.
Also, a new dependency to the Sophron module is introduced. All usage of Drupal deprecated code up to Drupal 8.8.0 has been replaced.

imagemagick 8.x-2.6

Bug fixes


imagemagick 8.x-2.5

Bug fixes
New features

Note: the module *MUST* be installed or updated using Composer, see

This release of the ImageMagick module deprecates the modules' hook functions, replacing them with Symfony events. The hooks will be removed in version 8.x-3.x. Module developers should convert any implementation of the hooks with an appropriate event subscriber.

imagemagick 8.x-2.4

This release of the ImageMagick module deprecates the ImagemagickMimeTypeMapper class, replacing the MIME type to file extension mapping with the fileeye/mimemap PHP library.

Installing or upgrading:

The module requires Using Composer to install or upgrade.

Install via:
$ composer require drupal/imagemagick:^2.4

imagemagick 8.x-2.3

Bug fixes
New features

If you are not using Composer to manage codebase, ImageMagick 8.x-1.x releases can be installed in the traditional way.

This release of the ImageMagick module introduces the functionality to retrieve images' colorspace and embedded profiles while parsing the image (only if the ImageMagick package is installed, GraphicsMagick does not support that). Also, provides a more structured way to specify if command line arguments are to be added before or after the source image loading (and to specify internal use arguments).

imagemagick 8.x-2.2

If you are not using Composer to manage codebase, ImageMagick 8.x-1.x releases can be installed in the traditional way.

In this release, the Symfony 'process' component has been implemented to manage execution of ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick processes. Now, process execution is subject to a timeout of 60 seconds.

imagemagick 8.x-2.1

ImageMagick 8.x-2.1

This release provides an upgrade path from 8.x-1.0-alphaX releases for sites upgrading via Composer.


imagemagick 8.x-2.0

ImageMagick 8.x-2.0

This is the first stable release for ImageMagick 8.x-2.x series. No changes since beta1.


  • Using Composer to manage Drupal codebase dependencies.
  • Drupal 8.1.0. or above.

See #2568619: Plan for ImageMagick 8 for details.

imagemagick 8.x-2.0-beta1

Bug fixes

ImageMagick 8.x-2.0-beta1

This release addresses a critical bug, and raises stability to beta - no more architectural changes expected.


  • Using Composer to manage Drupal codebase dependencies.
  • Drupal 8.1.0. or above.

See #2568619: Plan for ImageMagick 8 for details.

imagemagick 8.x-1.0-alpha6

ImageMagick 8.x-1.0-alpha6

This release mainly addresses changes to tests, converting existing ones to PHPUnit based test classes.

REQUIRES Drupal 8.1.0. or above.

See #2568619: Plan for ImageMagick 8 for details.

Commits since alpha5:

imagemagick 8.x-1.0-alpha5

Bug fixes


This release fixes a bug in alpha4 that was not allowing to run the toolkit with GraphicsMagick.

REQUIRES Drupal 8.1.0. or above.

Make sure to run the database update script when upgrading from previous alpha releases.

See #2568619: Plan for ImageMagick 8 for details.

Commits since alpha4:

imagemagick 8.x-1.0-alpha4

Bug fixes
New features


REQUIRES Drupal 8.1.0. or above.

Make sure to run the database update script when upgrading from previous alpha releases.

See #2568619: Plan for ImageMagick 8 for details.

Commits since alpha3:

imagemagick 8.x-1.0-alpha3

Bug fixes


REQUIRES Drupal 8.1.0. or above.

This release mainly fixes some issues with logging when ImageMagick executables return errors - in particular differentiates 'errors' (when we have a material error message from ImageMagick) and 'warnings' (when we have a non-zero return code but no error message).

imagemagick 8.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features

Second alpha release for ImageMagick 8.

REQUIRES Drupal 8.1.0. or above.

See #2568619: Plan for ImageMagick 8 for details.

imagemagick 7.x-1.0-alpha1

Initial release of ImageMagick toolkit for Drupal 7.

Alpha, because we need

  1. more testing and more people with ImageMagick experience
  2. figure out what to do with advanced ImageMagick actions not supported by Drupal core (currently sharpen and watermark)
  3. consider to merge in other advanced ImageMagick modules as optional sub-modules, such as Image module's Advanced ImageMagick sub-module, or, and possibly others
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