Exhibit is a great module that I have used quite a bit. It is great to have the data pulled out using views and fed directly into Exhibit in JSON format.

I have an issue that needs resolution. Here are the details:

1) I have configured a content type "Horse" to have multi-value CCK field "Image".

2) I want each horse image to come to the Exhibit as one row

3) I configured "exhibit_horses" view where I select the Image CCK field and I disable the "Group" field for "Image" CCK field. In the preview of the view, it shows as many records as there are images. So, if a horse record has only one image, it appears once. If horse record has three images, it appears thrice. This is exactly what I want in the JSON feed as well.

4) But if I look at the JSON feed, the three images of the same horse record are grouped as one. I did not want this in the Exhibit - because it is too hard to theme the "lens" with multi-value field in the row.

I checked the code of the exhibit's views row styler. I believe it has explicit code to group such occurances.

Can this automatic grouping into one record done by Exhibit JSON views styler be disabled?

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help.


Anonymous’s picture

It cannot be disabled through the User Interface.

One thing that would be a possibility is to create your own style plugin that extends the default style plugin. However, even if you do this with the current Exhibit files, the Exhibit content type won't recognize the feed.

But I have just posted a patch that will fix this so that people can write their own Exhibit feed style plugins. If no one objects to the patch, I will be committing it.