On my site I use a base-directory in which drupal is installed.
For this case I noticed that the sound files couldn't be found because of a bug in im.module.

After changing the code as mentioned below, I was able to hear the notification sounds (to my regret only in FireFox, not in IE7).

Hans Bos

/* create the UI for IM console (display and command line)
function im_make_block_console() {
  global $base_path;
  global $user;

  $im_settings = array(
    'refresh_rate' => variable_get('im_refresh_rate', 2000),
    'im_refresh_rate_inactive_threshold' => variable_get('im_refresh_rate_inactive_threshold', 10000),
    'im_refresh_rate_inactive' => variable_get('im_refresh_rate_inactive', 5000),
    'drupal_root' =>  $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],
    'anymsgs_url' =>  $anymsgs_url,

  if (_has_audio()) {
    $im_settings['has_audio'] = '1';
    $im_settings['msg_in_mp3']  = $base_path . drupal_get_path('module', 'im') . '/msg_in.mp3';
    $events = im_events();
    foreach ($events as $event) {
      /* $im_settings[$event['name']] = '/' . $event['sound_file']; */
      $im_settings[$event['name']] = $base_path . $event['sound_file']; /* corrected */


pahariwalla’s picture

Issue tags: +sound

Thanks @hansbos It's nice to get actual code fixes from the community ;-)

I've made the fix in rev of im.module
