filelog 2.1.0

First release for Drupal 9+ and PHP 8+ only.

This version doesn't make any changes besides using newer PHP language features so far, but new features will exclusively be added to the 2.1.* branch.

filelog 2.1.x-dev

Creating a new branch for Drupal 9+ and PHP 8+.

This currently makes no changes aside from updating the code to use PHP 8 features.

filelog 2.0.2

Bug fixes
New features

This release fixes multiple minor issues, and reworks the way logfiles are compressed on rotation, which should greatly reduce memory usage for large logfiles.

The module now correctly declares compatibility with PHP 8+ as well as PHP 7.1+.

filelog 2.0.x-dev

Bug fixes

Switch to semantic versioning. This branch is a direct continuation of 8.x-1.x.

filelog 8.x-1.1

Bug fixes


Drupal core version bumped from 8.5+ to 8.7+.

PHP version bumped from 7.0+ to 7.1+. (Note: Drupal recommends at least PHP 7.2+, and PHP 7.0 is EOL since 2019.)

Bugfixes and cleanup:

filelog 8.x-1.0

Bug fixes

First stable release, fixes a few problems with 8.x-1.0-alpha1 and fixes deprecated code.

This version requires Drupal 8.5.0 or later, and also PHP 7.1.0 or later.

filelog 6.x-1.1

New features

New directives: site_in_name, field_prefix, field_suffix, wrap_message and skip_strip_tags
Code has been changed to E_ALL compatible.

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