Due to core's Profile module remaining as it is in Drupal 7, this module has cause to continue existing as it does, and provide terms on profile pages.

However, we can also offer a migration path for terms that show on the account to be converted to FieldAPI fields. I plan to work on something using http://drupal.org/project/field_convert


andypost’s picture

subscribe, I think fieldapi make this module much easy

joachim’s picture

Support for Field converter is now in CVS.

It's not yet possible to do D6-7 upgrades due to bugs in core, but if you're interested in testing this see here for instructions on setting up a dummy site: http://drupal.org/node/757810

joachim’s picture

We probably need to think about whether to migrate user terms data to Profile2 entities rather than the user.

capnjav’s picture

Hello joachim, first and foremost thank you for your ongoing contributions to maintaining this module, its much appreciated.

I am very much interested in the possibility of a drupal 7 port, as soon as possible.. Though our budget is limited, we would be willing to contribute a small amount to this endeavour. Please message me if this would help.

kaizerking’s picture

Any update on the port

andypost’s picture

I see no reason in module because core's fieldapi allows to add terms to user entity by default
The only possible way for the module is to provide upgrade path

juan_g’s picture

About the two migration possibilities for D7, it seems fields on users are ok for simple cases, and the Profile 2 contributed module (the successor of the deprecated core profile module) has advantages such as more functionality and better performance.

Both -fields on users, and Profile 2- are FieldAPI solutions, and a migration plan to FieldAPI is suggested in comment #2.

MacMladen’s picture

I'm not sure if I understand what is happening with this module and like some others here, I need this functionality.

Although Profile 2 adds more advantages over simple fields it does add some complexity and dependency that I'm not sure is really needed. I'd stick to fields and if there is need, be open to add plug in that will connect Profile 2 with this module.

This is no small module to try to make a quick patch to work under D7 and I see there is D7 version in git.

So, what is the status and is it going to be released? Or is there some overlapping in functionality so some other module can be used/tweaked?

joachim’s picture

See my comment in #2.

People need to try this out, report back their findings, or ideally post patches to fix the problems they encounter. This is a big effort and it will *only move forward if everyone pitches in*.

kaizerking’s picture

I have installed this module, I am using Porfile2 and it seems there is no way to assign user terms from profile2, What i am expecting is when user selects terms in profile2 , the terms should be automatically assigned to user, my plan is to use ABT (Access By Term) module, which needs users should be assigned terms to control content access.

kaizerking’s picture

@andypost-I did not understand this, "core's fieldapi allows to add terms to user entity by default" Does that mean, terms used in profile2 are added to user as "user terms" automatically?
This is not happening, I have tried to use ABT module and Term access module. the terms are "NOT" recognized as user terms added to prfile2

joachim’s picture

> terms used in profile2 are added to user as "user terms" automatically?

Nope. A term ref field on the user puts terms on the user entity; a term ref field on a profile2 type puts terms on the user's profile2 entity. Something that looks for them on the user won't find them on the profile2.

kaizerking’s picture

ok, I mistook @andypost's post, And thought I am missing some thing.So that proves i am on right track.
What is the solution for my requirement?any work around or some thing? plz help

kaizerking’s picture

is there any update on switching to profile2, the 7.x-1.x again works with only profile module. so cant test it, I use profile2.

Taxoman’s picture

Will profile2 be supported in the D7 version? That module is becoming important.