Please Note: This is only for Services 1.x and 2.x. See kylebrowning's suggestion here for 3.x:

Services offers the ability to control access via API keys. This requires
setting up a key on the remote server, and putting together a specially
crafted call on the requesting server. This document gives an example of how
to set this up in Drupal using the user.get service.

On the remote server:

1) Install Services, enable the Services, XMLRPC Server, System Service, Key Authentication, and User Service

2) When using API key authentication, Services runs as the anonymous user, so you will need to modify the anonymous user's permissions as necessary. For this example, you will need to give the anonymous user 'get own user data' (under user_services module).

3) Now you need to create an API key and give the key access to the methods you want it to use. Go to Administer->Site Building->Services->Keys->Create Key. Give the key a title and a domain. The domain can really be anything, but typically it will match the external domain which has permission to use this key. Next, under 'Method Access' check the specific methods you want this key to have access to. Note that if you activate additional service modules you will need to use Keys->List->Edit to add the additional methods to the key. Submit the form. You will now see your key listed. Take note of this key as you will need it in the code you are about to write.

4) Go to Administer->Site Building->Services->Settings and choose 'Key authentication' from the drop down list labeled 'Authentication module'. All services calls are now required to include API key information.

On the requesting server:

Service calls using API keys require four parameters:

Timestamp - Current time in Unix timestamp format.
Domain - The value you entered for domain above.
Nonce - A random value.
Hash - An sha256 hash of the timestamp, domain, nonce and remote method name delimited by semicolons and using the remote API key as the shared key.

Here is some example Drupal code which shows how this works.

$domain = 'my domain';
$timestamp = (string) time();
$nonce = user_password();
$hash = hash_hmac('sha256', $timestamp .';'.$domain .';'. $nonce .';'.'user.get', 'remote_api_key');

// If your drupal installation is in a subdirectory, the following url should be
// http://<domain>/<directory>/services/xmlrpc
$xmlrpc_result = xmlrpc('', 'user.get', $hash, $domain, $timestamp, $nonce, 0);
if ($xmlrpc_result === FALSE) {
  print '<pre>' . print_r(xmlrpc_error(), TRUE) . '<pre>';
else {
  print '<pre>' . print_r($xmlrpc_result, TRUE) . '<pre>';

Some notes:

1) The timestamp must be cast to a string or you will get an error that you are passing an argument of an incorrect type.

2) Drupal's user_password() function is a convenient way to generate a random string to use as the Nonce.

If this code runs successfully, then you should see the anonymous user's information printed. Otherwise you will see an error.


bsenftner’s picture

Also see this example, in another part of the handbook:

Services 6.x-2.0 PHP xmlrpc example with api key

onyxnz’s picture

Is it not possible to run as a valid user on the Drupal installation, and therefore to be able to use the appropriate methods to update nodes?
If the Services module only runs as Anon, then this is hugely insecure or hugely useless?

bsenftner’s picture

Of course it's possible to operate within Services as a valid user, with all the roles, permissions and functionality that includes. In general, doing a programmatic login starts as anonymous, simply because you have to start as anonymous, but from there the logic needs to login with a valid user account and password. Once logged in, you have at three levels of security that I'm aware of: the normal drupal user roles & permissions structure, a Services level access that is explicitly declared on a per-Services-exposed remote callable function. Plus, if using key authentication, when creating an API key for a given domain, you explicitly specify which functions users of that API key are allowed to remotely access.

Although I am yet to dig into Services 3.0, I understand the security is more advanced.

minorOffense’s picture

I took the time to write up a pretty flushed out tutorial. Most people who are familiar with Services can probably skip to Step 5 or later but regardless here it is:

If I made a mistake or if someone wants to host this here instead I can export the node or just get the node content for whoever.

Hope you like it!

Mathew Winstone
Coldfront Labs Inc.

hargobind’s picture

broncomania’s picture

I try to get this simple example work in the obove described way. I always get this output.

<pre>stdClass Object
    [is_error] => 1
    [code] => -32700
    [message] => Verarbeitungsfehler. Nicht wohlgeformt
Rajab Natshah’s picture

Have we dropped the use of APK Key and only use the session Id..
I'm trying to recreate these classes to work with Drupal 7 ..