Hi All,

I'm trying to build a small site where we post our dogs pictures, document their pedigree and provide links to breeders. I want these breeders to show on a Google Map (preferably with a marker for the separate breed associations). I have tried to attach location information (based on geocoding the address), I have tried Location CCK and all sorts of views I read about on the internet but nothing is showing on the map (if that even shows). I would like to know how I could get this to work. Can anyone please give me some direction.

While I'm posting this, I have a nodetype dog (which can nodereference another dog for the pedigree) where I would like to show some random pictures from the photo album (image and image_gallery) which are tagged with the name of the dog, do I need to provide a view for every dog or can I do this using arguments somehow? And how do I get random pictures?

Thanks for all the help you give me,
Pretty desperate.

Best regards,
Marcel de Haas