Adding a Rule (rules module) to refresh the boost cache when a node is edited works via this rule (, but now that the webform is on a separate tab from the node, the boost cache doesn't get refreshed (when editing/adding form fields).

Is there a different way we should clear the boost cache for a webform node?


quicksketch’s picture

Category: bug » support

I'm not quite seeing how Boost's integrations with Webform would be a bug in Webform. I'd suggest that whatever module you're using to clear caches should implement hook_nodeapi($op = 'save') and hook_webform_component_insert/update/delete(), then clear caches during any of those activities. I'd also recommend you do this in custom module and not in Rules, as putting code into textfields is a giant red "you're doing it wrong" kind of activity in Drupal.

kruser’s picture

Project: Webform » Boost
Version: 6.x-3.0-beta5 » 6.x-1.18

Thanks for the information. I'll move this over to the boost queue. Thanks.