We are a businessclub that offers a free service to our local members: each of our members has a free page with 5 images max to promote his business (static site, testing Drupal as replacement). Not being very Drupal savvy (yet), how can I force each member to upload his images in his "personal" subdir? In "upload into subdir based on uid" (http://drupal.org/node/14790) -last post on May 3, 2006- there was a private file issue with a patch that was supposed to allow this. Does anybody know if this has been resolved? Is this still the way to go or are there other solutions?
Less than ideal alternative (scalability as the number of users grows/ no auto thumbnails etc.): ftp the pics myself to each user's subdir and only allow him to select images from his personal subdir? Is this doable? Thanks.


zywieco’s picture

I really can't! I searched for days, eventually post a question and then I find this: Image Patch to create subdirectories (http://drupal.org/node/72685) and it worked...
Now if only somebody could tell me how to put the images in a block on a book page as if I had 2 columns on the page.

  • left col: images, one beneath the other (div floated left)
  • right col: all the text about the member
