One feature that would be nice is a checkbox that would enable adding the value entered in the textfield back into the select list after the content is submitted. A growing select list that would allow for expansion.

Any chance for something like this getting implemented?



iNade’s picture

I have reopen a thread for this in the CCK issue list, you may find it here

Subscribing too.

mradcliffe’s picture

Hmm, I'm not sure why I didn't get an e-mail about this issue a week and a half ago.

This will need to be approached carefully. I can't give a timeline on this. For one, modifying CCK fields requires permission to do so, but we don't want to give that out. I'm not sure about ignoring that permission completely, but that may be the only choice.

Roar-1’s picture

Hey there, another vote for this functionality!

This is a nice mod. I've been using it in my workflow as an alternative to taxonomy for generating URL aliases.

However, I often have to retype the same values over and over. Would be nice if they can become part of a 'growing select list'.

that0n3guy’s picture

This could be done with content taxonomy.. use the taxonomies permission system (like freetagging).

Isostar’s picture


xkater’s picture

Seems the checkbox would only {print} (with the resultant addition to the pick-list) if the permissions allowed, otherwise, no checkbox would {print} and the default behaviour would occur. yes?

mradcliffe’s picture

Marked #1259376: Add 'other' values to the fields definition as a duplicate of this issue.

sapguroo’s picture

I am also looking for the same funtionlaity