An other problem is given by User Visits. How to change the pre set for User Visits. I do not like big pictures in User Visits and my code in the template.php file seems to be not working:

* kleine

function user_visits($account, $timestamp = NULL, $referer = NULL) {
$output = '

$output .= theme('imagecache', 'user_image_default', $account->picture, $alt, $title, $attributes);
$output .= '
'. theme('username', $account) .'

if ($timestamp) {
$output .= $timestamp ? '

'. t('!time ago', array('!time' => format_interval(time() - $timestamp))) .'

'."\n" : '';
$output .= $referer ? '

'. t('Referer !link', array('!link' => l($referer, $referer))) .'

'."\n" : '';

$output .= '

return $output;

What can I do?