storm_contrib 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Required at least Storm 6.x-2.1.

Changes since 6.x-2.0
- BUG by kfritsche: Fixed resetting working hours and days, when user is not allowed to edit these settings
- BUG by kfritsche: Fixed US Holiday module has wrong function name.

Changes since 6.x-2.0-beta1:
- FEATURE #1691758: U.S. holidays by Katrina B, kfritsche: Added U.S. holidays
- BUG by kfritsche: Fixed SQL Error in storm_contrib_logger
- BUG #1733920: Warning with number_format by macrocosm, kfritsche: Fixed a warning with number_formats
- BUG #1696888: Error when trying to access projects - No projects are listed by dsellers, kfritsche: Fixed Error when trying to access projects - No projects are listed.
- BUG #1612076: Editing someone else's time tracking by neubreed, kfritsche: Editing someone else's time tracking
- TASK #1028018: Swiss Holidays by Raphael Dürst | stoltoguzzi: Added Swiss Holidays.
- TASK by kfritsche: Added trackingdate parameter for track on multiple projects
- TASK by kfritsche: Added QuickTT to project block
- TASK by kfritsche: Fixed some notices and warnings
- TASK by kfritsche: Only add "not track enough time" once.
- BUG by kfritsche: Temporary Fix for timetrackings on the wrong date because of DST
- TASK by kfritsche: Added possibility to restrict search type by GET parameter

storm_contrib 6.x-2.0

Bug fixes

Required at least Storm 6.x-2.0.

Changes since beta1:
- FEATURE #1691758: U.S. holidays by Katrina B, kfritsche: Added U.S. holidays
- BUG by kfritsche: Fixed SQL Error in storm_contrib_logger
- BUG #1733920: Warning with number_format by macrocosm, kfritsche: Fixed a warning with number_formats
- BUG #1696888: Error when trying to access projects - No projects are listed by dsellers, kfritsche: Fixed Error when trying to access projects - No projects are listed.
- BUG #1612076: Editing someone else's time tracking by neubreed, kfritsche: Editing someone else's time tracking
- TASK #1028018: Swiss Holidays by Raphael Dürst | stoltoguzzi: Added Swiss Holidays.
- TASK by kfritsche: Added trackingdate parameter for track on multiple projects
- TASK by kfritsche: Added QuickTT to project block
- TASK by kfritsche: Fixed some notices and warnings
- TASK by kfritsche: Only add "not track enough time" once.
- BUG by kfritsche: Temporary Fix for timetrackings on the wrong date because of DST
- TASK by kfritsche: Added possibility to restrict search type by GET parameter
- BUG #901494: Missing Dependencies? by D34dMan: Fixed warnings when enabling storm_person and its submodules.
- BUG by kfritsche: Fixed add task/ticket link have wrong project_nid argument
- BUG by kfritsche: Added stormperson dependency to stormtimetracking_extension
- FEATURE by kfritsche: Add option for status/assignment select boxes in comment form
- TASK by kfritsche: Removed storm_dashboard_modification

storm_contrib 6.x-2.0-beta1

Bug fixes

Required at least Storm 6.x-2.0-beta2.

Changes since alpha2:
- BUG by kfritsche: Fixed bug with untranslated Groups in assign fields
- TASK by kfritsche: Removed Stormticket Assignment JS app
- TASK by kfritsche: Removed unused Code in stormticket_assignment

storm_contrib 6.x-2.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Second alpha Release of Storm Contrib

Required at least Storm 6.x-2.0-beta2.

Changes since alpha1:
- TASK by mhuder: Added missing urlencode to destination_from_referer function
- TASK by mhuder: New function to Extract a destination from HTTP_REFERER
- BUG by kfrische: Fixed Error when submitting multiple timetrackings
- TASK by carstenmueller: Changed node type filter in apachesolr_storm_search to all node types, inclusion exclusion of types in the apachesolr admin settings

storm_contrib 6.x-2.x-dev

Development snapshot for the 2.x branch of Storm Contrib for Drupal 6.
This release is updated to the 6.x-2.x branch every day, when changes happened.

This Version is for the Storm 6.x-2.x Branch only!

storm_contrib 6.x-1.x-dev

Current development version of Storm Contrib


  • currently working on the issues, bugfixing and adding new features
  • Added new hook for node_access and two new permissions for tickets and tasks. The hook is called NODE_TYPE_extension_storm_contrib_node_access(). This function uses the same parameters than node_access and gets in addition the original access from node_access. This hook is used in the moment in stormtask_extension and stormticket_extension. We added two new Permissions 'Storm ticket: view if project is assigned to team' and 'Storm task: view if project is assigned to team'. When you assigned a team to a project, every member of this team can view all tickets from this project
  • New submodule storm_contrib_filter: With this module you can save your common filter settings for tickets, tasks, projects, ... and load it from the new "Storm Filter Bookmark"-Block. No need to set the same filter every time again.

Holiday Settings changes

The national holidays have been edited and are now outsourced into separate modules. So you have to enable the module for the country from which you want to choose the holidays.

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