The primary links do not display on this theme.

There was an issue about this posted last week which says that it is now fixed, but this is misleading because the fixes were to other aspects of the theme and not to the primary links.


Janne’s picture

I would also like to see this fixed.

SomebodySysop’s picture

Is anyone responding to these queries? Did anyone find a solution to getting primary links in there?’s picture

For my case, I only use Primary link and I don't know whether this is your fix or not, but it fixes mine.
From: page.tpl.php

<div id="subNav">
  <?php if (is_array($primary_links)) { ?>
  	<?php $i = 0;foreach ($primary_links as $link) : if ($i==0) {?>
			} else {?>
			}?><?php print $link ?>
        <?php $i++; 
	             endforeach; ?>
      <?php } ?>

you notice I replace $primary_links instead of $secondary_links
Works fine for me.

Janne’s picture

That worked perfectly! Thanks a million!