context_og 7.x-2.0

New features

Compatibility with OG 2.x
Added additional functionality for member status #1043034

context_og 7.x-1.0


Instead use the 1.x-dev or 2.x-dev branch corresponding to your og version. This release was improperly built.

context_og 7.x-1.x-dev

Development release for Drupal 7 use for og 1.x do not use if you are using og 2.x.

context_og 6.x-3.0

New features

Changes since DRUPAL-6--3-0-BETA1:

  • #890030 by pdrake, marcp: Added support for "not in a group" to the group type plugin.

Version 6.x-3.0 of Context OG should be used with version 6.x-3.0 of Context.

context_og 6.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes

[#852234] by caschbre, mikestefff, marcp - Get this thing firing at all the right times.

context_og 6.x-2.x-dev

This version of context_og should be compatible with Context 2.x.

context_og 6.x-3.x-dev

6.x-3.x development release of Context OG. The 3.x means that this branch is supposed to be compatible with the 3.x branch of Context.

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