roleassign 2.0.2

Bug fixes

This release fixes a regression issue introduced in version 2.0.1.

Contributors (1)



Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 2.0.1:


  • #3441049 by svendecabooter: Undefined array index "base_form_id" error is being produced after release 2.0.1

roleassign 2.0.1

Bug fixes

Contributors (3)

Berdir, hipp2bsquare, svendecabooter


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 2.0.0:

roleassign 2.0.0

Bug fixes

A new major release branch for dropping Drupal 8 support and adding Drupal 10 support

All changes since 8.x-1.0-beta1:

roleassign 8.x-1.0-beta1

Bug fixes

This is BETA1 of RoleAssign for Drupal 8.

It has all the functionality of the D7 version, including migration from D7 and D6.

RoleAssign for D8 ALPHA2 is currently in use by over 5000 known sites. There have been a number of minor fixes and tunings in the meantime, which is why we go for a short beta test. Please provide feedback (both good and bad!) in the issues queue. See #3114837: RoleAssign for D8 — BETA1 for details.

roleassign 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes

This is RoleAssign 7.x-1.2 for Drupal 7.

This is a release for good form — if you're running 7.x-1.0 and you don't have the Ajax issue, then there is nothing to gain by updating.

roleassign 7.x-1.1

This is RoleAssign 7.x-1.1 for Drupal 7.

This is a release for good form — if you're running 7.x-1.0 there is nothing to gain by updating.

roleassign 8.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

This is ALPHA2 of RoleAssign for Drupal 8.

It has all the functionality of the D7 version, including migration from D7 and D6.

RoleAssign for D8 has received little real-world testing — we do not recommend installing it on a production site, but we encourage you to test it and provide feedback (both good and bad!) in the issues queue. See #2622542: RoleAssign for D8 — ALPHA2 for details.

roleassign 8.x-1.0-alpha1

New features

This is ALPHA1 of RoleAssign for Drupal 8, ported from 7.x-1.0.

It has all the functionality of the D7 version, including migration from D7 and D6.

RoleAssign for D8 has not received any real-world testing — we do not recommend installing it on a production site, but we encourage you to test it and provide feedback (both good and bad!) in the issues queue. See #2622542: RoleAssign for D8 — ALPHA2 for details.

roleassign 8.x-1.x-dev

This is the development snapshot of RoleAssign for Drupal 8.

See the change log for the progress.

Note: This is an ALPHA version — see #2622542: RoleAssign for D8 and the issues queue for details.

roleassign 7.x-1.0

This is RoleAssign 7.x-1.0 for Drupal 7.

It is identical to RC2 (now running on over 200 known sites), which had only minor fixes over the well-tested RC1.

roleassign 7.x-1.0-rc2

New features
Bug fixes

This is RC2 of RoleAssign for Drupal 7.

This is a minor update. It collects some minor fixes and enhancements. Please provide feedback, both good or bad. See #1245644-6: RoleAssign for D7 for details.

roleassign 7.x-1.0-rc1

This is RC1 of RoleAssign for Drupal 7.

This is a minor update. It should not have any functional changes, but it's the last chance to report issues before the 1.0 release. Please provide feedback, both good or bad. See #1245644-3: RoleAssign for D7 for details.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-beta2:
- Clean up type hints, docblocks, comments and some minor code issues.

roleassign 7.x-1.0-beta2

New features

This is BETA2 of RoleAssign for Drupal 7.

Please provide feedback, both good or bad. See #1245644-2: RoleAssign for D7 for details.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-beta1:
- Protect more-privileged users as well as RoleAssign itself.
- #1258808: Fix a warning in _roleassign_form_alter().

roleassign 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features

This is BETA1 of RoleAssign for Drupal 7.

It's a direct port of 6.x-1.0 to D7.

roleassign 7.x-1.x-dev

This is the development snapshot of RoleAssign for Drupal 7.

See the change log for the changes since the latest recommended release.

roleassign 6.x-1.0

Bug fixes

This is RoleAssign 6.x-1.0 for Drupal 6.

After running the solid BETA3 for over two years, ownership of RoleAssign has passed to a new maintainer. We've fixed a few minor issues that had accumulated in the meantime, ran a three-week RC1 with over 100 known installations, and we did not get a single issue report.

This release will serve as basis for porting to Drupal 7.

roleassign 6.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes

This is RC1 of RoleAssign for Drupal 6.

The prior BETA3 has been stable and working solidly for over two years, but with the change of maintainership I want to bring it up to 1.0 to have a solid base for porting to Drupal 7. I have implemented the few minor issues that have accumulated in the meantime, and that means we need to have a Release Candidate.

roleassign 6.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

This release carries a very small, but vital, fix of the assumption that sticky roles are set before being used.

roleassign 6.x-1.0-beta2

Ported RoleAssign to Drupal 6 using a patch by plach. Also slightly improved some code and made the module adherent to the coding standards.

roleassign 6.x-1.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

This is the development snapshot of RoleAssign for Drupal 6.

See the change log for the changes since the latest recommended release.

roleassign 6.x-1.0-beta1

Module ported to Drupal 6 using a patch by plach. Some code were also slightly improved and made adherent to the coding standards.

roleassign 4.7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Fixed bug #123317. Adopted the code to Drupal's coding standard. Made som source code improvements to the help code. Replaced the text README file with a HTML dito.

roleassign 5.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Fixed bug #123317. Adopted the code to Drupal's coding standard. Made som source code improvements to the install and help code. Replaced the text README file with a HTML dito.

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