As soon as I enable the ldap provisioning module, the regcode and captcha fields disappear from the user registration form (self registration). When I disable ldap provisioning, both fields appear again.
I'm using drupal-6.17.


diaspora’s picture

same issue still doesnt fixed :(

diaspora’s picture

i solved this issue
user register is not ldap user registration form thats why we need to create form

step 1 : on captcha general settings tick following box
Add CAPTCHA administration links to forms
Allow CAPTCHAs and CAPTCHA administration links on administrative pages
Add a description to the CAPTCHA

step 2: go to ldap provisonal settings capcha settings should appear there
click enable Untrusted users will see a CAPTCHA here (general CAPTCHA settings).
step 3: go to capcha general settings again
form id : ldapprov_register should appear in the list change to re capcha

thats it.

dkastens’s picture

Well, this might work with captcha but doesn't work with the registration codes.
Generally, it's not a good idea to override the registration form.